Basic Usage


To work with the RSA-Suite you should import the following

from nucosCR import CryptoRSABase

A usual working example for creating a public-private key file would be

c = CryptoRSABase()
name = "test_admin"
key1 = c.create_rsa_key(name)

Internally the PEM-files are stored in a folder relative to the working directory called ./PEM. The full key can be read with the function get_key_by_file. The name is always the reference to the key. It can be any string.

After creating the key, it can be checked by

key2 = c.get_key_by_file(name)
assertEqual(key1, key2)

An example for en- and decoding with the previously generated key would be

name = "test_admin"
hexkey = c.get_hex_key(name)
txt = b"my own secret message"
#encryption with
en = c.encrypt(txt, hexkey)
#decryption with
de = c.decrypt(name, en)
assertEqual(txt, de)

Note here, that for encryption only the public part of the key must be used, which is here represented in hex. For decryption the full key is needed, so it is referenced here with its name.


To work with the AES-Suite you should import the following

from nucosCR import CryptoAESBase

A usual working example would be

c = CryptoAESBase("secret")
text = b"my message"
#encryption with
en = c.encryption(text)
#decryption with
de = c.decryption(en)
self.assertEqual(text, de)

The class works internally with bytes and so does the decryption produce bytes as a result. For convenience the passed argument in the encryption function may also be string.

The class is instanciated with a password (in our example case secret). Internally the password is digested with SHA256 into a much longer passphrase.


This package provide a copy-script for copying a file or folder to a destination file or folder. During copying the script encrypts the data with the aes-algorithm. If the source is a folder, it is copied recursively into the the destination. The usage is

aes-cp [-e ,-d ,-c, -o] source destination

-e source destination encryption copy

-d source destination decryption copy

-c file1 file2 check crc

-o overwrite flag (default is not overwrite), if set it overwrites the files in the destination

Before the copy process starts the user is prompted for a password.